Please select your topic. Remember, both the Omnimouse and the Fragpedal use IDI technology
IDI Device Configuration Guide
IDI Device Configuration Guide (PDF)
Everything you need to know to set up and use your IDI Configurator. Learn to change the background image, create new game-specific profiles, understand IDI Smart Buttons, and more.
IDI Tech Scripting Reference
IDI Script Reference Guide v102 (PDF)
Put your nerd glasses on and get ready to learn some code! This is the official guide to the IDI language. As you click through its worn and ancient pages, you’ll gradually approach the upper tiers of IDI mastery. With these powers, you’ll have near-unlimited ability to create and edit macros and smart buttons with the ultra-flexible IDI language. Learn to: Program conditional statements, loops and delays onto your Smart Buttons. Use your IDI device to manage your own keyboard. Use your keyboard keys to trigger macros, trigger secondary and tertiary commands on your IDI Device. Program your keyboard to take advantage of smart buttons, enabling different commands on: press/release, tap/press/hold, counts, and more!
Alias File Tutorial
Omni Device Alias File Guide (PDF)
Did we forget to add support for your favorite game? The Alias File Guide teaches you how to create an alias file for your favorite game, so you can set Button 1 to “throw grenade” instead of, say, “g.” Alias files allow you to bind in-game actions directly to your IDI device in the Configurator screen. They work by translate in-game controls to keyboard and mouse keys, and they’re different for every game.
Omni Device User Guide (Windows) (omnimouse)
For Omnimouse users: Learn to set up and use your IDI Configurator. Learn to change the background image, create new game-specific profiles, understand IDI Smart Buttons, and more.
GWS Footpedal Set Up Guide
A basic introduction to assembling and customizing your GWS Footpedal. Covers the un-boxing and set up of both Fragpedal and Omnipedals, Dual and Quad. Includes software installation and configuration as well as basic troubleshooting. Check out this 14 page .pdf for everything you need to know to get your pedals working and into the game.
Omni Device User Guide (Windows) (omnimouse)
For Omnimouse users: Learn to set up and use your IDI Configurator. Learn to change the background image, create new game-specific profiles, understand IDI Smart Buttons, and more.
Omnimouse Product Overview
R2 Omnimouse Product Overview (.pdf)
Product Overview document for the new R2 Mark III Omnimouse.