From 30 to Unlimited Game Configurations with the Fragpedal
SupportThe beauty of an intelligent input device like the Fragpedal Quad is its chameleon-like ability to change its settings to match the game it’s being used with. It’s like having a different set of foot pedals for every game you play. As there is no need to use common settings with different games, the Fragpedal user can strategically focus on making button assignments and macros as game specific as possible.
The Fragpedal saves the full set of button and device settings made by the user for a specific game in an onboard memory space called a configuration. Equipped with 8Mbits of flash memory, the Fragpedal can save 30 complete configurations internally, for use with as many different games or applications.
What you save for each Configuration
Saved component | Purpose |
All button settings and full code of loaded macros | Device performance |
All button names and help text including help urls | Allows viewing help text/instructions for loaded macros |
Name of game specific macro index file | Displays game specific macros for assignment |
Name of game specific command alias file | Displays mouse and keyboard commands by game command name |
Name of configuration page background image | Skins the Configuration page of the Configurator |
Name and path of game/program .exe | Used for Application Awareness synchronization |
There is no fussing to change configurations; no scripts to run, no unplugging, flipping switches, reloading drivers, or rebooting. The swapping of settings in the Fragpedal is automatic; Application Awareness technology identifies the active program and switches to the appropriate Fragpedal configuration within 30ms of entering the program. You can even change configurations from within a game from a button press, handy for games with different game play modes or player classes.
But what if 30 configurations aren’t enough? Using the pedals with both applications and games, it’s possible over time for the Fragpedal, like any other device with memory, to “run out of room.”
For this circumstance and for general ease of use, the Fragpedal supports full device memory saves. This feature allows the complete set of configurations in the device to be saved to disk as a single file. The saved file can then be reloaded back to the Fragpedal and the configurations it contains instantly restored and ready to use. The memory file created by the “Save Memory to Disk” command will have no file extension, and should be saved in the /IDI Device/ folder where IDIConfig.exe is located.
Going from 30 Configurations to Unlimited
While discussed elsewhere for the purposes of backup, there are some tricks to using memory save files to make using your Fragpedal even more efficient. But first it’s helpful to understand how on disk “memory saves” over write the Fragpedal memory.
Unless you have cleared the memory in your Fragpedal, you will have some Configurations in Fragpedal memory when the “Write Memory to Disk” command is used. (If you are reloading a memory file due to a memory glitch in the Fragpedal, in this case it is recommended that you “Clear” the Fragpedal memory before loading the memory file from disk.)
The rule of thumb is that saved “empty” configurations will not overwrite existing configurations with content. Put another way, saved empty configurations will not write over configurations in memory with content. If there are 8 configurations with content in the device, and you load a memory load with 5 configurations, the last 3 configurations will remain unchanged, only the first 5 will be overwritten.
1. No need to delete configurations in Fragpedal memory before reloading a memory save. (Assuming you are loading configurations to change them, not because the Fragpedal memory has become corrupted.) The memory save will simply overwrite the configurations that it contains.
2. If you use different programs in different settings or for different purposes, you might want to keep these configurations together in memory saves that you can alternately swap out.
a. For instance, a simple distinction might be work related configurations vs game configurations. When you need to work, load the “Programs” memory save. When you want to game, load your “Games” memory save.
b. As you get more games/apps, you can further define memory loads for sub categories like “RPG games” or “FPS/Combat” “Old Games” or whatever categories that make sense to you.
3. Get in the habit of saving your configurations as sets (see above) in various memory saves. If a memory error occurs, and your configurations in memory become corrupted, its more helpful to reload the specific set of configurations needed than to be “back to square 1” with a single memory save reloaded that contains every configuration you’ve ever created in no particular order.
4. Warning: do not attempt to open, edit, or view any memory save files saved to disk. They contain a unique file structure not intended for editing, and this will almost certainly result in a corrupted, unusable memory file.
5. The memory files are swappable to other Fragpedals. Since some of the configuration information includes file names, be aware the referenced files must be present on the other Fragpedal host machine in the correct support folders for full functionality.
Following these tips will enable you to create multiple swappable Fragpedal memory saves to extend the 30 configurations limit and allow the Fragpedal to support an unlimited number of applications and games.