Typical of Blizzard games, Starcraft II controls start out dead simple but allow some pretty advanced commands once you’ve mastered them.
I think my game could benefit from a timer function. Perhaps I’ll assign a button to listen for one, two, or three presses, corresponding to 60, 90, and 120second timers, to help me with my pacing.
Or, I’m considering the StarCraft II fire alarm. Set a button to quickly target my command center and other buildings with lift-off abilities to take off into the air, and perhaps also select all my SCVs and put them on auto-repair. But will it be zerg-rush-proof?
Typical of Blizzard games, Starcraft II controls start out dead simple but allow some pretty advanced commands once you’ve mastered them.
I think my game could benefit from a timer function. Perhaps I’ll assign a button to listen for one, two, or three presses, corresponding to 60, 90, and 120second timers, to help me with my pacing.
Or, I’m considering the StarCraft II fire alarm. Set a button to quickly target my command center and other buildings with lift-off abilities to take off into the air, and perhaps also select all my SCVs and put them on auto-repair. But will it be zerg-rush-proof?