Minecraft Configuration
Game Macros and ConfigurationsToday, Greg from the Innovation Squad brings us some configurations for Minecraft. This is a great game for the Fragpedal: 1) Using your feet for repetitive commands helps keep your hands from cramping. 2) Minecraft embraces the clever and creative spirit that Fragpedal users are known for. I mean, take Greg for example…
The Handyman
Button 1 – Left Shift (crouch/sneak)
Button 2 – Mouse wheel click (Switch to the block currently looked at, as long as it is in the quickbar)
Button 3 – Left Click (Destroy blocks/Attack/Toggle Switches and Doors)
Button 4 – Right Click (Place Blocks/Use objects)
The first profile, the Handyman, gives easy access to the crouch function, which I find myself holding down a lot. I find it helpful to assign that job to an extra appendage. The block selection also comes in handy for tedious building projects. I also chose to use simple mouse clicks for the right pedal to save on finger stress, since placing blocks can be a big culprit of requiring excessive clicking.
The Industrial Miner
Button 1 – 8 (select quickbar item #8)
Button 2 – W (Move Forward)
Button 3 – Left Click (Destroy blocks/Attack/Toggle Switches and Doors)
Button 4 – 9 (select quickbar item #9)
I designed this profile, the Industrial Miner, around large mining projects. While branch mining, a majority of the work is just walking and breaking blocks. Using one button as a “gas pedal” and another to constantly mine, you can sit back and just steer with your mouse. The quickbar selection buttons were added to make switching between a shovel and pick even simpler, thus allowing an even more mindless mining trek 😉
This last profile is designed for miners playing without a scroll mouse, particularly laptop users. This way, they can conveniently use the Fragpedal to cycle through the quickbar items. I also thought it would be fun to bring in the Crouch button, as well as throwing in the jump for good measure.
Build your way over to the DLC page for the images and Minecraft control file used by Greg.
Great job, greg! What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever made in Minecraft?
The most unique thing I’ve made is a ladder that’s surrounded by lava so you’re surrounded when you go down. I think it looks pretty sweet 🙂