Call of Duty: Black Ops Macros and configuration
Game Macros and Configurations Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops, Fragpedal“hey, man, I totally dig your pedal. Does it work with Black Ops?”
After much anticipation, I’m pleased to announce a full set of profiles for Call of Duty: Black Ops! Coming from the GWS innovation squad, Tim has developed an amazing set of configurations for Black Ops. He introduces 5 (that’s right, five) configurations detailed for different game types, play styles and equipment selections, and 4 new strategic macros. As always, the content used in this post is available on the files page. In this case, that includes 5 background images, 4 macros, and a control file. Take it away, Tim.
This post presents five Black Ops profiles that I designed for the gametypes I play most often. There are countless configurations that could be made to fit your gametypes and gaming style. As with the previous Call of Duty games, Black Ops offers plenty of run ‘n’ gun opportunities with perks like lightweight and sleight of hand. For all-out run ‘n’ gun, in my opinion nothing beats a fast spraying submachine gun while constantly running around looking for a target. Add the accuracy you gain from firing with your feet and you will get plenty of kills.
With all of these profiles, button #1 fires the weapon, either with a simple left-click or a macro I utilize my right foot for all firing, taking the pressure from my finger off of the mouse giving me more mouse control and better accuracy. I actually hold the mouse a bit more toward the back and use less of my hand and more of my fingertips, gaining more precise control with the mouse.
These two profiles are for a run-n-gun, highly mobile style of play. They have the same assignments for buttons 3 and 4, so that they’re easy to learn and switch between.
Black Ops Run-n-Gun: Full Auto
This profile fits my style best. Button 1 fires an automatic weapon. This is a simple left-click. Button 2 is a smart button set to fire and drop to prone simultaneously upon button press and then to reload and jump to your feet simultaneously upon button release. Button 3 is a press-release smart button that throws a grenade or a tomahawk depending on what you have equipped. When the button is pressed, the grenade or tomahawk is pulled out and when the button is released, it throws the grenade or tomahawk. Button 4 is a macro for rapid fire using dual pistols or dual shotguns. Pressing it down fires both barrels simultaneously in repetition.
Black Ops Run-n-Gun: Semi-Auto
This profile is for use with semi-automatic rifles. Button 1 fires your semi-automatic weapon repeatedly upon button press. This is useful for people suffering from carpal tunnel or arthritic hands which can be quite painful from repeated mouse clicking. There are a lot of older pc gamers these days and these type of ailments can be very bothersome for those afflicted. Button 2 throws your tactical grenade. This is often easier than reaching for a keyboard key and becomes second nature with a little practice. Button 3 throws a grenade or a tomahawk depending on what you have equipped. When the button is pressed the grenade or tomahawk is pulled out and when the button is released, it throws the grenade or tomahawk. Button 4 is programmed to fire dual pistols or dual shotguns. It fires both barrels simultaneously in repetition.
These two profiles are both designed for demolition mode with the third and fourth buttons being the same for each.
Black Ops Demolition – Full Auto
This profile works great for demolition games while using an automatic weapon. Button 1 fires your weapon, press to fire, release to stop firing. Button 2 is assigned to throw your tactical grenade. Button 3 a grenade or a tomahawk depending on what you have equipped. When the button is pressed the grenade or tomahawk is pulled out and when the button is released, the grenade or tomahawk is thrown.
Button 4 is a macro for planting the suitcase bomb and hiding quickly, and is easily the most helpful macro for me. I always have problems quickly setting or diffusing a bomb and going prone next to the crate so not to be seen by the enemy. I would fumble around trying to go prone and simultaneously set/diffuse the bomb often taking just a second too long. There are so many times you get killed within seconds of having the bomb set/diffused. This macro not only makes every attempt as quick as possible but also leaves a treat for the enemy soldier that comes to counter your plant/diffuse. Upon pressing the button, your character begins setting/diffusing the bomb and drops to prone simultaneously. Once the bomb is planted/diffused, release the button and your character will pull out a claymore, set the claymore and jump to your feet ready to fight or run to the next objective.
Black Ops Demolition – Semi-Auto
This profile works great for demolition games while using a semi-automatic weapon. Button 1 fires your semi-automatic weapon repeatedly upon button press. Button 2 throws your tactical grenade. Button 3 throws a grenade or a tomahawk depending on what you have equipped. When the button is pressed the grenade or tomahawk is pulled out and when the button is released, the grenade or tomahawk is thrown. Button 4 is again set to help you with a smoother bomb plant/diffuse and leave a claymore behind for the unsuspecting player who swoops in to counter your plant/diffuse. Upon pressing the button, your character begins setting/diffusing the bomb and drops to prone simultaneously. Once the bomb is planted/diffused, release the button and your character will pull out a claymore, set the claymore and jump to your feet ready to fight or run to the next objective.
All-around Play
Black Ops Mix
This profile works well with most any weapon as it includes both automatic fire, semi-automatic rapid fire and rapid fire for dual weapons like the pistol or shotty. Button 1 fires your weapon, press to fire, release to stop firing. Button 2 fires your semi-automatic weapon repeatedly upon button press. Button 3 throws a grenade or a tomahawk depending on what you have equipped. When the button is pressed the grenade or tomahawk is pulled out and when the button is released, the grenade or tomahawk is thrown. Button 4 is programmed to fire dual pistols or dual shotguns. It fires both barrels simultaneously in repetition.
You can see that I assign the grenade toss to button 3 for every profile. I find it a waste if I do not use my grenade during almost every life so I have it set to the third button for every profile. This keeps things simple and less confusing. If you have the tomahawk equipped, I find that it is much easier to be able to keep moving while aiming the tomahawk by holding down a foot pedal button than by using the button on the keyboard.
I myself am an older gamer, and I regularly play with players between the ages of 40 and 70. Like the large monitors of today have helped us to be able to see the games better, the Fragpedal is allowing us to play the game better and for longer periods of time and saving those of us with aching hands from having to limit our play time or all together calling it quits.
Grab Tim’s macros, images, and everything you need for your covert operation at our DLC section.
Awesome! I really love the C4 & Claymore macro and the press/release grenade throw.
Black Ops totally sucks until you unlock claymores.
Agreed, claymores make it so much easier to prevent random dudes from gunning you down/stabbing you from behind
How does one install Tims profiles to the IDI device configuator? E-mail me or post please.
An updated and complete installer is now available on the DLC page. Run the installer into the /IDI Device directory. Then, select the Black Ops macro and alias file for each profile you want to configure. Once done, Tim’s macros will be available to assign to your keys, and his images will be available for your background. Finally, configure the profiles according to Tim’s suggestions. You can follow the screenshots, or for your convenience I’ve diagrammed the assignments here:
Run-n-Gun: Full Auto
Button 1: Fire (Left click)
Button 2: Press/Release: Fire & Prone // Jump & Reload
Button 3: Lethal Grenade / Tomahawk (g)
Button 4: Dual Weapons Rapid Fire
Run-n-Gun: Semi Auto
Button 1: Semi-auto Rapid Fire
Button 2: Tactical Grenade (4)
Button 3: Lethal Grenade / Tomohawk (g)
Button 4: Dual Weapons Rapid Fire
Demolition: Full Auto
Button 1: Fire (Left click)
Button 2: Press/Release: Fire & Prone // Jump & Reload
Button 3: Lethal Grenade / Tomahawk (g)
Button 4: Press/Release: Prone & Plant/Defuse Bomb // Claymore & Stand
Demolition: Semi Auto
Button 1: Semi-Auto Rapid Fire
Button 2: Press/Release: Fire & Prone // Jump & Reload
Button 3: Lethal Grenade / Tomahawk (g)
Button 4: Press/Release: Prone & Plant/Defuse Bomb // Claymore & Stand
All Around
Button 1: Fire (Left click)
Button 2: Semi-Auto Rapid Fire
Button 3: Lethal Grenade / Tomahawk (g)
Button 4: Dual Weapons Rapid Fire
Thanks Steve…. :-}
Walter, did you have any trouble getting anything working? shoot us an email at if you did
completely unrelated post, but I just ordered one of these (Fragpedal Quad) and am looking forward to stomping some 12 year olds into the ground when I play BF:BC next time :o)
Sweet, Aaron! When you get your Fragpedal, see if you can come up with some more macros for Black Ops. If you’re having any difficulty, shoot us an e-mail at
i got the fragpedal & the mouse setup when it first came out i think, anyway i seemed to do fine with the pedal but had trouble with mouse it was me not the mouse i ended up with the pedal & a trackball setup & i do fair but i’m with Aron the kids will kill ya if not on your i was on line & ended up at GWS & bought the newer stuff all over again. i still have the mouse pads from before (still like new) i also play black opps just got it from STEAM a little fast paced for me but i’m still trying or is that crying. HA HA