Double or Quadruple your foot pedal button power with the Shift function
Application and Generic Macros, Game Macros and Configurations, Support, Tech Notes footpedal, Fragpedal, macros, OmnipedalWhile you may have a 2 or 4 button model of either the Fragpedal or Omnipedal, you can easily assign and send many more commands than the actual button count of the pedals. You can double to quadruple the actual number of button assignments you can make with the pedals by using the IDI™ Shift function.
The Shift function operates like its namesake, the Shift key on the keyboard. When pressing a Shift key, the normal output of the other keys is “Shifted” to an alternate character. With the footpedals, although a button (or keyboard key) must be reserved for each Shift state, the Shift function ends up doubling to quadrupling the number of commands you can assign to the buttons.
The Fragpedal Shift System with 2-4 physical buttons uses 3 sets of Shifts to enable up to 4 different command assignments for each button,( including the default un-shifted assignment.) You activate shift states by holding down a button or buttons assigned a Shift function at the same time you press any of the other buttons. Using both feet, this is not difficult to do. When you do so, different commands will be sent by the buttons rather than their default assignments. You use the Configurator to assign buttons to Shift functions and to also specify the different assignments for the buttons’ different Shifts.
Chapter 9 of the IDI Device Configuration Guide covers in detail how to set up Shift buttons using the Configurator and make shifted button assignments. The examples are shown with the Omnimouse, but the same details are valid for GWS IDI™ tech footpedals.
No shift – When no buttons assigned to a Shift function are pressed, the other buttons send their default assignments.
- Ex. Button 1 sends the keyboard character “1” when no Shift buttons are pressed
Shift 1 – When a button assigned to Shift 1 is pressed, the other buttons are shifted to a second command assignment.
- Ex. Button 1 shifts to sending the keyboard character “2” when a button assigned to Shift 1 is also pressed
Shift 2 – When a button assigned to Shift 2 is pressed, the other buttons are shifted to a third command assignment
- Ex. Button 1 shifts to sending the keyboard character “3” when a button assigned to Shift 2 is also pressed
Shift 3 – When the 2 buttons assigned to Shift 1 and Shift 2 are pressed together, (simultaneously), a third Shift state (Shift 3) is activated, and the other buttons are shifted to a fourth command assignment
- Ex. Button 1 shifts to sending “4” when buttons assigned to Shift 1 and 2 are pressed at the same time
The 4 different assignments possible for buttons are completely independent.
You can assign any of the smart button behaviors to different shifts of the same button.
- Button 1 un-shifted default assignment is as a standard press/release button.that sends the game a keypress
- Button 1 Shift 1 assignment is as a toggle button.that turns a game function on and off.
- Button 1 Shift 2 assignment is as a timed press button that can, on the fly, send one of 3 kinds of grenades
- Button 1 Shift 3 assignment is as a count button that rotates through and sends any one of six different spells
Using foot pedal buttons vs using keyboard keys to Shift the pedal buttons.
Shifting with the pedal buttons – keeps all the action at your feet, but offers fewer button assignments due to the requirement that some of the pedal buttons must be dedicated to Shift functions, reducing the number of shift-able buttons.
The Chapter in the IDI Device Configuration Guide covers using the device’s own buttons for Shifting.
Quad Pedal Shifting with the pedal buttons
No Shift |
4 buttons |
4 button assignments |
Single shift function assigned |
3 shiftable buttons x 1 shift + 3 default assignments |
6 button assignments (1.5X) |
2 shift functions assigned |
2 shiftable buttons x 3 shifts + 2 default assignments |
8 button assignments (2 X) |
Shifting with keyboard keys – Spreads the action between your hands and feet. So long as you use a USB keyboard, you can also use keyboard keypresses for the footpedal Shift functions. You will need to register the keyboard first with the IDI Device Manager, (See the IDI Device Configuration Guide for instructions on how to do this.) See the post How to use Virtual buttons to Shift your foot pedal buttons from the keyboard for details on how to set this implementation up – it includes the macro needed.
- The keyboard keys used for the Shift function can be set up as toggles, meaning they do not have to be held down, but only require a tap to “hold” the Shift function, and a second tap to release it, keeping your hands free
- The Dual version of the footpedals with only 2 buttons are best shifted using keyboard keys.
Dual Pedal Shifting with keyboard keys
No Shift |
2 buttons |
2 button assignments |
Single shift function assigned |
2 shiftable buttons x 1 shift + 2 default assignments |
4 button assignments (2X) |
2 shift functions assigned |
2 shiftable buttons x 3 shifts + 2 default assignments |
8 button assignments (4 X) |
Quad Pedal Shifting with keyboard keys
No Shift |
4 buttons |
4 button assignments |
Single shift function assigned |
4 shiftable buttons x 1 shift + 4 default assignments |
8 button assignments (2X) |
2 shift functions assigned |
4 shiftable buttons x 3 shifts + 4 default assignments |
16 button assignments (4 X) |
The IDI™ shift function is one of the most powerful of the footpedals’ features as it multiplies the physical button assignments by as much as a factor of 4 and is easy to learn and use. Give it a try and check out the post on using the keyboard for Shifting, and you’ll find another IDI™ Tech option to increase your game and app PWNage!